The wines
The wine of Château Prieuré Sainte Anne is made with 90% Merlot grapes which gives the wine the typical round taste of red fruit. The Merlot grape also ensures that the wine is already enjoyable to drink in the maturation phase in the bottle. The 10% Cabernet Sauvignon grapes complementing the wine provide the tannin content, the dark red fruit flavor supplemented with a slight touch of smokiness.
This wine is aged for approximately 1 year in oak barrels, of which 1/3 new barrels, 1/3 barrels of 1 year old and 1/3 barrels of 2 years old are used. This maturation process gives a touch of wood that blends perfectly with the full flavour of this wine.
Château Prieuré Sainte Anne can be consumed very quickly after bottling, but is best stored for 5 to 10 years. If you still prefer to drink the wine during the first 2 years after bottling, it is advisable to pour the wine into a decanter in advance. This will ensure the most enjoyment of this quality wine.